Dromedary Case Words

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: An analysis of the case about transformations of the regulatory framework in the Argentinean mining. The little dromedary, seeing himself unable to put up with his brothers' abusive behaviour, to react when faced with situations that course him distress, he cries. PDF | A handful of finds of camel bones from Iberia now illuminate the faint story of camels in Roman and Muslim Europe–and hint at why the dromedary never.

Resalta también la investigación sobre el metabolismo bacteriano, que ha aportado conocimientos sobre la defensa natural oral contra la caries y la base para el desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la prevención diaria y el tratamiento de la caries.

El fluoruro funciona como factor protector al detener y revertir el proceso de la caries, pero el fluoruro no previene los factores patológicos que inician el proceso. Como los mecanismos de acción de la arginina y el fluoruro son altamente complementarios, se ha desarrollado un nuevo dentífrico que combina la arginina y el fluoruro, y se ha probado clínicamente que brinda una dromedary case words superior contra la caries. All rights reserved. In this study, the administrators of a Roman Catholic Diocese needed to find innovative ways to make connections with, educate, and dromedary case words Hispanic families, or they would begin to see their schools close.

It is important to understand the needs and culture of Hispanics in the United States in order to create strong academic programs, culturally….

Republic, Ecuador is a very weak state with weak democratic governance that has enormous implications for regional security and for the United States President Correa recently made Petro Ecuador the target of an anti- corruption campaign and the government Neuroimagen en la enfermedad de Alzheimer: nuevas perspectivas.

A summary of the aims and activities of the association and of the strides made in securing the rights of the Spanish-speaking population is given. Text is in Spanish. A new wave of reform is needed for Latin American universities suffering from structural rigidity, duplicity, inefficiency, and lack of community. The structural crisis in the university reflects the general social crisis in which society is pressured by opposing forces leading it toward either historical modernization or evolutionary….

A review of the principal studies done on diagnosis and therapy with radioisotopes is presented. The book is divided into four sections. The ftrst section deals with the theoretical and practical fundamentals for an understanding of the use of radiosiotopes in diagnosis and treatment. The basic ideas of radioisotopic measurement are reviewed in the second section. The third section presents the applications of radioisotopes to clinical diagnosis, and the fourth section their application to clinical therapy.

Abstracts have been prepared of the 35 papers compiled. Su Nueva Vida en los Estados Unidos. Your New Life in the Dromedary case words States. An illustrated guide to aspects of life in the United States is presented in Spanish for recent Hispanic arrivals. The guidelines address such dromedary case words as resettlement agencies, community relations and national customs, the U.

ERIC Digest. Noting that much of the early research on the effects of all-day kindergarten had serious problems with internal and external validity due to inadequate methodological standards, this Spanish-language digest reviews research conducted in the s. The digest discusses the academic, social, and behavioral effects of all-day kindergarten, as well…. Many typical classroom behavior problems--running in the dromedary case words, inability to make choices, failure to stick with activities, fighting over toys, and poor use of materials-- can be traced to how the room is arranged and how materials are displayed.

By making a few changes in the classroom environment, early childhood teachers can create a…. Tecnologias mas nuevas para la seguridad escolar Newer Technologies for School Security. This digest in Spanish describes several technologies that can be used to control access to, and improve surveillance of, school grounds. Access can be controlled by using "smart" cards to control keyed entries.

Many schools have problems with multiple copies of keys, and these card systems are integrated with computer software that…. Dromedary case words the Spanish Second Republican government April Julythere was an institutional initiative in the country called "Misiones Pedagogicas", deeply based in the early Deweyan conception of Progressive Education.

The aim of this project was bringing access to culture, entertainment and some sort of progress to rural areas…. Poor sanitation could pose greater risk for enteric pathogen transmission at higher human population densities because of greater potential for pathogens to infect new hosts through environmentally mediated and person-to-person transmission.

We hypothesized that incidence and prevalence of diarrhea, enteric protozoans, and soil-transmitted helminth infections would be higher in high-population-density areas compared with low-population-density areas, and that poor sanitation would pose greater risk for these enteric infections at high density compared with low density.

We tested our hypotheses using 6 years of clinic-based diarrhea surveillance including 4, geolocated diarrhea cases tested for 13 pathogens and a cross-sectional survey that measured environmental exposures from households people and tested stool specimens for enteric parasites.

We dromedary case words that population density was not a key determinant of enteric infection nor a strong effect modifier of risk posed by poor household sanitation in this setting. Jarquin, Claudia; Arnold, Benjamin F. We tested our hypotheses using 6 years of clinic-based diarrhea surveillance — including 4, geolocated diarrhea cases tested dromedary case words 13 pathogens and a cross-sectional survey that measured environmental exposures from households people and tested stool specimens for enteric parasites.

This study explored college professional counselors' "Millennials" Generation knowledge, their techniques and strategies in…. Dairy cows utilize feed crude protein CP with greater efficiency than other ruminants, but still excrete about 2 to 3 times more nitrogen N in manure than they secrete in milk.

This increases milk production costs plus environmental N pollution. Optimizing microbial protein formation in the rume The first part deals with planning the reforms needed in science education and the practical considerations involved.

Nuevas tecnicas basadas en redes neuronales para el diseno de filtros de microondas multicapa apantallados. In this PhD thesis one method of shielded multilayer circuit neural network based analysis has been developed. In order to solve the IE, in the version which uses the media relevant potentials, it is necessary to have a formulation of the Green's functions associated to the mentioned potentials.

The main computational burden in the IE resolution lies on the numerical evaluation of the Green's functions. In this work, the circuit analysis has been drastically accelerated thanks to the approximation of the Green's functions by means of neural networks. Once trained, the neural networks substitute the Green's functions in the IE. Two different types of neural networks have been used: the Radial basis function neural networks RBFNN and the Chebyshev neural networks. Thanks mainly to two distinct operations the correct approximation of the Green's functions has been possible.

On the one hand, a very effective input space division has been developed. On the other hand, the elimination of the singularity makes feasible the approximation of slow variation functions. Two different singularity elimination strategies have been dromedary case words. The first one is based on the multiplication by the source-observation points distance rho. The second one outperforms the first one.

Camel case

It consists of the extraction of two layers of spatial images from the whole summation of images. With regard to the Chebyshev neural networks, the OLS training algorithm has been applied in a novel fashion. This method allows the optimum design in this kind of neural networks. In both networks, the time gain reached makes the neural method profitable. The time invested in the input space division and in the neural training is negligible with only few circuit analysis.

To show, in a practical way, the ability of the neural based analysis method, two new design procedures have been developed. The first method uses the Genetic Algorithms to optimize an initial filter which does not fulfill the established specifications. A new fitness function, specially well suited to design filters, has been defined in order to assure the correct convergence of the optimization process.

This new function measures the fulfillment of the specifications and it also prevents the appearance of the premature convergence problem. The second method is found on the approximation, by means of neural networks, of the relations between the electrical parameters, which defined the circuit response, and the physical dimensions that synthesize the aforementioned parameters.

The neural networks dromedary case words with these data can be used in the design of many circuits in a given structure. Both methods had been show their dromedary case words in the design of practical filters. El linezolid, la daptomicina y la tigeciclina son agentes que tienen actividad contra los cocos Gram positivos y que fueron aprobados e introducidos en la terapia clínica en la década pasada.

As early childhood programs and schools become more culturally and linguistically diverse, professionals need to create settings that welcome "new voices" and help all children succeed. This comprehensive professional development course gives them the dromedary case words practical guidance they need. Developed by respected scholar Dina Castro and her expert…. Given that most community-based teacher education programs originate on campus and then move into communities, it is not surprising that a disconnect….

Ecocardiografía tridimensional. Recent developments in three-dimensional echocardiography have made it possible to obtain images in real time, without the need for off-line reconstruction. These developments have enabled the technique to become an important tool for both research and daily clinical practice. A substantial proportion of the studies carried out using three-dimensional echocardiography have focused on the mitral valve, the pathophysiology of mitral valve disease and, in particular, functional mitral regurgitation.

The aims of this article were to review the contribution of three-dimensional echocardiography to understanding of the functional anatomy of the mitral valve and to summarize the resulting clinical applications and therapeutic implications. A new species of to the genus Eritrachys Ruckes, E. The male of E. A key to the species of the genus is provided While distinguishing between literary criticism and the scientific study of translation, Latin American translations are analyzed according to the identification of "speech facts," levels of stylistic performance, translating from scratch, and the stylistic features of Rabassa.

The purpose of this research was to determine the status of Puerto Rico's public libraries to new information technologies. Obtaining the views of library staff working in the same, characteristics and attitudes and knowledge in new information technologies needed to serve as information specialists in libraries.

To know the opinion of the…. Objectives: This article reports the effects of a culturally grounded parenting intervention to strengthen positive parenting practices. Method: The intervention was designed and tested with primarily Mexican origin parents in a large urban setting of the southwestern United States using an ecodevelopmental approach.

Latino critical theory guides the analysis. Narratives reveal faculty experiences with oppression, challenging dominant…. Alberto, R. Climate change has wide-ranging effects on the environment and socio-economic and related sectors which includes water resources, agriculture and food security, human health, terrestrial ecosystems, coastal zones and biodiversity.

Farmers are under pressure to the changing weather and increasing unpredictable water supply. Because of rainfall deficiencies, artificial application of water has been made through irrigation. Irrigation is a basic determinant of agriculture because its inadequacies are the most powerful constraints on the increase of agricultural production. Irrigation networks are permanent and temporary conduits that supply water to agricultural areas from an irrigation source. Detection of irrigation networks using LiDAR DTM, and flood susceptible assessment of irrigation networks could give baseline information on the development and management of sustainable agriculture.

A flood hazard map was also used to identify the flood susceptible irrigation networks in the study area. The study was assessed through field validation of points which were generated using random sampling method. Results of the study showed that most of the detected irrigation networks have low to moderate susceptibility to flooding while the rest have high susceptibility to flooding which is due to shifting weather.

These irrigation networks may cause flood when it overflows that could also bring huge damage to rice and other agricultural areas. During colonial times, an active maritime trade existed between Spain and the New World, with convoys sailing annually to and from Mexico and returning via Havana, Cuba, after wintering in America. A database constructed from secondary and open sources revealed that Spanish vessels were sailing over open waters along a northern path near Louisiana and a southern path across the central Gulf of Mexico.

However, other factors may also have been involved in the directional layout of the routes. Today these ancient routes crisscross planning areas for oil and gas lease sales in the US Exclusive Economic Zone and the information presented in this article may aid in identifying areas where historic shipwrecks may lie.

Maps and documents found during this study helped piece together the evolution of our understanding of the Gulf of Mexico surface circulation and how this knowledge influenced sailing during colonial times.

Para estos pacientes que no responden a manejo conservador, la estimulación cerebral profunda ha surgido como una alternativa terapéutica, si bien la literatura especializada al respecto es escasa. The symposium was held to publicize the positive efforts which were being undertaken to solve the problems of Spanish-speaking children and to provide a catalyst for the further action that was needed.

The problems were explored from various points of view with two questions in mind: "What was being done? Aplicacion de nuevas tecnicas y procedimientos para la ensenanza de la lectura-escritura Application of the New Techniques and Procedures for Teaching Reading-Writing.

This document is an English-language abstract approximately 1, words of experiments performed in Mexico, D. The first part of the document deals with a series of experiments carried out with first grade remedial groups as follows:…. Training for Development. This Spanish-language manual was developed to train Peace Corps volunteers and other community health workers in Spanish-speaking countries in oral rehydration therapy ORT and the control of diarrheal diseases.

Using a competency-based format, the manual contains three training modules organized in seven sessions that focus on interrelated…. Absence of accelerated atherosclerotic disease progression after intracoronary infusion of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells in patients with acute myocardial infarction--angiographic and intravascular ultrasound--results from the TErapia Celular Aplicada al Miocardio Pilot study.

We tried to evaluate a putative negative effect on coronary atherosclerosis in patients receiving intracoronary infusion of unfractionated bone marrow mononuclear cells BMMC following an acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction. We compared angiographic changes from baseline to 9 months of follow-up in the distal non-stented segment of the IRA, as well as in the contralateral coronary artery, with a matched control group.

No difference between stem cell and control group were found regarding changes in minimum lumen diameter 0. Likewise, no differences were seen regarding changes in the contralateral artery minimum lumen diameter In the intravascular ultrasound substudy, no changes were demonstrated comparing baseline versus follow-up in maximum area stenosis and plaque volume. In this dromedary case words study, analysis of a subgroup of patients found that intracoronary injection of unfractionated BMMC in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction was not associated with accelerated atherosclerosis progression at mid term.

Prospective, randomised studies in large cohorts with long-term angiographic and intravascular ultrasound follow-up are necessary to determine the safety of this therapy. Copyright Mosby, Inc.

The compact's fundamental principles are: 1 recognizing…. A New Lesson to Learn Aprendizaje basado en tareas: un antiguo enfoque, un nuevo estilo. Una nueva lección para aprender. It begins by defining the concept of TBL, followed by a presentation of its framework and implications, and finally, a lesson plan based on TBL. The article presents an additional stage to be considered when planning…. Large astronomical surveys allow us to do systematic studies of stellar populations with significant statistical weight.

After the positional cross-matching we have found that of H sources have ASAS light-curves. From that number, more than 50 sources are periodic variables with amplitude larger than 0. Variable stars that we have found are of many different types, among them Miras, eclipsing binaries, bursting stars, etc. Also, only stars are known previously as variable sources in ASAS catalogue, and 93 of them were studied previously in detail. In order to characterize the nature of the sources, we have started a medium-resolution spectroscopic survey of the unstudied variable emission-line objects using the 2.

At the moment, we have observed a set of 67 blue stars selected using 2MASS colors, being almost all of them Be-type stars.

This set of bright new variable Be-type stars is ideal for follow-up monitoring for the study of the Be-phenomenon. Information on programs that address special needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds who attend private colleges and universities in New York State is provided in separate English and Spanish reports. Information is provided on: eligibility for…. Para la defensa de la seguridad nacional, el Ejército. The purpose of this map is to provide an integrated, bi-national geologic map dataset for display and analyses on an Arc Internet Map Service IMS dedicated to environmental health studies in the United States-Mexico border region.

The objective of the project is to acquire, evaluate, analyze, and provide earth, biologic, and human health resources data within a GIS framework IMS to further our understanding of possible linkages between the physical environment and dromedary case words health issues. The geologic map dataset is just one of many datasets included in the web site; other datasets include biologic, hydrologic, geographic, and human health themes.

Nuevas estrategias de gestión, tratamiento y valorización de los efluentes organicos pecuarios: Experiencias en USDA. Management strategies for organic livestock effluents,innovative treatment and valorization.

To describe the frequency of adverse drugs events ADEs dromedary case words possible causes of request of drugs not included in national essential Medicines list in Colombia. This was a descriptive study developed in a private medical insurance company in Bogota, Colombia.

Data were obtained from drug request form of drugs not included in a national essential Medicines list. We analyzed the content of the notes to identify the records related to the occurrence of ADEs in the period to Information concerning the adverse event and the drug involved was recorded in a data collection instrument developed by the researchers.

We study 3, request forms of drugs not included in a national essential Medicines list. The great majority was cases of light severity The results of this study support the innovative approach of using request form of drug not included in national essential Medicines list to obtain information regarding ADEs in developing countries; recognizing the importance of looking for new sources of report of adverse reactions to diminish the under-notification of ADEs.

Normas finales de desempeño para fuentes nuevas y revisión de tecnología y riesgos del sector de refinería de petróleo-resumen de cambios.

Nueva dieta artificial para la producción masiva de Phymastichus Coffea Himenóptera: Eulophidae parasitoide de la broca del café, Hypothenemus hampei Coleoptera: Scolytidae.

Phymastichus coffea La SalleHymenoptera: Eulophydae is a parasitic wasp that attacks the adult coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari when it is tunnel into the berry. This guide for parents, in Spanish, explains the changes in the federal special education law resulting from the amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA.

Changes related to the parent's role in decisions about the child's education and in how schools can discipline special education students are highlighted. Comparacion con la Teoria de las Lineas Sustentadoras. In the past, especially for theoretical The equations corresponding to the isothermal process are given, in some detail.

The optimum conditions of temperature and velocity for the maximum purification of the metal were determined. We report on an exploratory study comparing the performance as online tutors of two groups of beginner eleven-year-old students of English in Colombia and Spanish in New Zealand. The native speaker students of the foreign language the others were learning corrected paragraphs written by their peers.

The feedback provided by each group of tutors…. The HEOP is designed to meet the special needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds through screening, testing, counseling, tutoring, teaching, and financial assistance. Generally, students…. The challenges of bilingual education in English and Spanish in public schools of New York: Objectives, models and curricula - The first section of this article describes the conceptual differences between educational objectives, educational model context and structures and curriculum units of study or sequential study guides.

The second section analyses how these three concepts were put into practice in five bilingual elementary schools serving immigrant students in New York City. The educational objectives reflect the leadership and work expectations which the principal establishes within the school and with the community.

The educational model is translated into a clear language allocation policy that is reached by consensus between the principal and the teachers. The curriculum adaptations reflect the context and culture of the students, but without neglecting the educational objectives.

The development of academic language the language based on academic texts is an element that attracts vast interest in American schools, but is ignored in many bilingual dromedary case words. The development of academic language occupies a central role in the curriculum of these five schools.

This is, to a great extent, the result of the limited exposure to literacy that many students have had outside of the school environment. The dromedary case words section of this article describes how these schools disregard the antagonism towards immigrants and bilingual education that is currently characteristic of the United States and focus on the quality of their programmes.

To describe the withdrawal of the bed frequency in mechanic ventilation patients and its impact on mortality and length of stay in dromedary case words intensive care unit. This was a retrospective cohort study in mechanical ventilation patients. Clinical and epidemiological variables, withdrawal of bed related motor therapy, intensive care unit length of stay and mortality were evaluated. We studied 91 patients, mean age of Considering the withdrawal of the bed or not, no difference was observed between groups regarding length of stay in intensive care unit.

Patients who were withdrawn of bed had a lower clinical severity. Their mortality rate was The not withdrawn of bed group had higher both actual and expected mortality.

Patients withdrawn of bed following mechanical ventilation discontinuation showed lower mortality. It is suggested that early intensive care unit mobilization and withdrawal of bed should be stimulated. Miami Beach, FL. January 30t. June 2nd. Position Paper No. Large numbers of Puerto Rican and other non-English-speaking students live in school districts throughout New York State. To enable these students to function in an English-speaking society while retaining their own culture, a policy to promote bilingual program planning was established by the Board of Regents of New York State in In this….

The primary goal of the Regents in their bilingual education program is to provide equal educational opportunity for non-English-speaking children through activities capitalizing on their proficiency in their native language and developing competency in English. Two complementary goals are inherent: 1 a vitally needed national resource, the….

New York State Education Dept. Office for the Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions. Intended for parents of dromedary case words students, the guide available in English, Spanish, or Chinese sets forth the New York State policies for speical education. The following topics are among those considered: eligibility for special education, program types, alternative placements such as residential settingsreferral, evaluation,….

This guide provides information to help parents of special needs children in New York become active partners in the planning and implementation of special education programs. The first part of the guide provides in-depth information related to the special education process in New York State public schools. A historical view of children's rights to….

Their year in the classroom regularly begins with starting a compost pile that serves as a focus for classroom research and science…. Each reform endowed primary teachers and students with special training and instructional materials, and encouraged new kinds of instruction in rural….

El Programa Interior de airPLUS es una asociación entre EPA, los constructores, raters, las utilidades, y organizaciones sanitarias e interiores ambientales de mejorar aire interior en nuevas casas casas verdes.

Indoor airPLUS constructores profesionales. Southeast Asia Report. Karya, directorate general, in the introduction of processing a system to keep water free of bacterias by benefiting the power of the sunshine.

The biggest clash was in Mandog, Davao There are high levels of bacteria in: dromedary case words. Nevertheless, many of them, such as Lindavista, Nueva Indians from the Nueva Palestina region invaded the northern bank of Lacantun River in the Montes Azules Reserve and cut some 40 hectares in areas they.

Ticks may also cause Irritation and discomfnrt directly as a result of their Bustamante, M. Une nueva rickettslosis en Mexico. Serre, P. Insectes piquantes et parasites au Costa Rica. Bull Mus Hist Mat, Paris. Cerny, V.

dromedary case words

Sabini, M. Barone; Bartolotta, A. Lo; Marano, F. The main goal of CATANA is the study and the application of protontherapy for the treatment of shallow tumors 4 cm max like uveal melanomas and subfoveal macular degenerations.

The main goal of CATANA is the study and the application of proton therapy for the treatment of shallow tumors 4 cm max like uveal melanomas and subfoveal macular degenerations. Translating ubuntu to Spanish: Convivencia as a framework for re-centring education as a moral enterprise.

In this essay, the author introduces the concept of " convivencia" peaceful coexistence as a framework for re-centring education as a moral enterprise. He discusses convivencia within the context dromedary case words education and society in Colombia, paying special attention to the Colombian rural school model Escuela Nueva New School. This discussion draws on both previous evidence and the author's own research on the implementation of the Escuela Nueva model in urban areas of Colombia.

He discusses several facets of convivencia and parallels with the ideas and ideals of ubuntu. Using convivencia as an organising principle, he presents insights for educational practitioners and researchers related dromedary case words re-centring education as a moral enterprise. Low-level laser therapy and Calendula officinalis in repairing diabetic foot ulcers.

To evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy isolated and associated with Calendula officinalis oil in treating diabetic foot ulcers. An experimental, randomized, controlled, prospective, interventional clinical case study using a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 32 diabetic patients of both genders. Participants were randomly divided into four groups. Doppler Ultrasound evaluation of the Ankle-Brachial Index, brief pain inventory and analog pain scale were performed at baseline and after 30 days.

A amostra foi composta de 32 pacientes diabéticos, de ambos os gêneros. Os participantes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. Mandela, por la nueva Asamblea nacional sudafricana. La Comisión electoral independienteuna gigantesca maquinaria administrativa con unos An examination and categorization of over full-page drawings in the " Nueva coronica y bien gobierno" of Felipe Guaman Poma de Alaya, which details life in the Peruvian Viceroyalty.

Explains the function of the illustrations in the text and that of five "signifying attributes" of spatial configuration. This ethnographic study relied primarily on case notes and interviews with the president of Centro Prenatal Vida Nuevaa pregnancy center in Lima, Peru, to study the sexual abuse experiences of 33 Peruvian women. Given the language limitations of the researchers, the analyses were completed in collaboration with the president of the center, a….

This ethnographic study aims to foreground the voices of 34 first through twelfth graders who belong to first-generation immigrant families from Mexico and Central America and attend Nueva Vida Church fictitious name in a Midwestern US city. They insightfully reflect upon their language, culture and citizenship during Sunday school class focus…. Federal Register, Center at www. It provides a statutory framework for the President to impose sanctions In addition, the Secretary of the Treasury consults with the We hypothesized that parent participants of FPNG would reduce their heavy drinking at 1-year follow-up.

In this essay, the author introduces the concept of "convivencia" peaceful coexistence as a framework for re-centring education as a moral enterprise. He discusses "convivencia" within the context of education and society in Colombia, paying special attention to the Colombian rural school model "Escuela Nueva " New….

In Monarchia Indiana, edited by J. Road construction, real. There is no bacteria down there, so no decay. In Nueva Eci- ja when we arrive in a new barrio, long arms and all, the peasants re- ceive us. Embarkables Root Cause for Navy Networks. Con amor y agradecimiento infinito, los quiero The purpose of this paper was to provide information about the virtual learning environment known as PGDnet the Spanish acronym for "Plataforma de Gestion Docente" or Educational Management Platform in Dromedary case wordswhich was developed by the innovative education group at the Technical University of Madrid known as " Nuevas metodologias….

Magnetotelluric studies at the Cerro Prieto geothermal field. The simple model shown suggests a lateral discontinuity in the vicinity of Nueva Leon. The Biological Control of Alligatorweed. Pastrana, J. Una nueva Phycitidae J paraslto de la lagunllla. The concept of the contact zone has been around for some time and deserves reconsideration. Dromedary case words a gesture toward this reevaluation and as an exploration of indigenous rhetoric, the author takes up Felipe Guaman Poma's "El primer nueva coronica y buen gobierno" The First Dromedary case words Chronicle and Good Governmentthe text that Mary Louise Pratt….

El Bournout en el Ejército. El síndrome del burnout pp. Madrid: Cauce Editorial. Estrés y Terapia contra el Estrés: Un Proyecto. Myocardial infarction is the most significant manifestation of ischemic heart disease and is associated with high morbidity and mortality.

Novel strategies targeting at regenerating the injured myocardium have been investigated, including gene therapy, cell therapy, and the use of growth factors. Growth factor therapy has aroused interest in cardiovascular medicine because of the regeneration mechanisms induced by these biomolecules, including angiogenesis, extracellular matrix remodeling, cardiomyocyte proliferation, stem-cell recruitment, and others.

Together, these mechanisms promote myocardial repair and improvement of the cardiac function. This review aims to address the strategic role of growth factor therapy in cardiac regeneration, considering its innovative and multifactorial character in myocardial repair after ischemic injury. Different issues will be discussed, with emphasis on the regeneration mechanisms as a potential therapeutic resource mediated by growth factors, and the challenges to make these proteins therapeutically viable in the field of cardiology and regenerative medicine.

Presentamos un estudio de caso de una adolescente puertorriqueña con comportamiento suicida. Inicialmente mostró baja autoestima y severos síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad. Al finalizar el tratamiento, manifestó un cambio significativo en su sintomatología clínica y evidenció una mejoría en sus destrezas de manejo.

No presentó ideas suicidas durante meses previos, ni durante el seguimiento. L'elaborazione del piano di trattamento rappresenta un momento molto delicato e complesso del processo terapeutico del disturbo da abuso di alcol DUA.

È la fase in cui le informazioni raccolte da un'équipe di professionisti medici, psicologi e assistenti sociali modello bio-psico-sociale del DUA vengono messe insieme per decidere il percorso terapeutico più adatto. Per quanto riguarda la parte psicologica, è di notevole importanza scegliere un trattamento clinico in grado di ridurre al minimo la mancata adesione al trattamento e, per i soggetti che rimangono in trattamento, di garantirne l'efficacia.

Se da una parte, le tecniche psicoanalitiche e comportamentali hanno fornito le basi della terapia psicologica dell'alcolismo, dall'altra, gli approcci basati sull'evidenza scientifica sono stati elaborati a partire dai principi del colloquio motivazionale e della terapia cognitivo-comportamentale.

In questo articolo viene fornita una panoramica dei trattamenti che sono risultati più efficaci nel trattare il DUA e delle modalità temporali più adeguate per monitorare l'efficacia del trattamento. El mensaje de conservacion de las instalaciones restauradas del Instituto Internacional de Dasonomia Tropical. Materiales resistentes al calor, usados para cubrir la ojiva y el cuerpo de Perry se complace en anunciar su nuevo hogar virtual.

National Security. Prados de la Escosura eds. La nueva historia econdmica en Espafia. Madrid: Dromedary case words, Albarracin, Jesis. La onda larga del capitalismo espafiol Madrid: Economistas Libros, Madrid: Banco de Espafia Arango, Joaquin, et al. La economia espafiola en el siglo XY: una per- spectiva histdrica. Ariel Historia: Secci6n Historia Econ6mica. Latin America Report. Key to Chart 1: 1. Is it possible to check the rise in the cost of Interesante a tener en cuenta es que a medida que se eleva el nivel educativo, los consultados se sienten beneficiados por las nuevas medidas Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses.

Words or names preceded by a ques - tion mark and enclosed in. Filiberto Reyes Villanueva, M. These microorgan- isms can operate only These bacteria offer a potential for the control of those vectors which have already developed a. World Epidemiology Review, Number Program Technical Report.

dromedary case words

Volume 2. Villa- nueva bone stain for 48 hours. I have done research on bacteriayeasts and filamentous fungi, and Dromedary case words for Bacterial Contamination.

To determine dromedary case words bacteria were contaminating the algal cultures, 0. The spokesman said We believe the animals to be infected by flagellate bacteria and. Regional Seismology in Argentina. Volponi, F. Acts, Ciayana do Izigenieria, YU. Facial- tad de Ingenierfa y Ciencias Exactas, Fificas y NaturalesSan Juan.

Retudie do le. Actividad Sfmuioa do Is. Primer registro de Empidonax fulvifrons en Nicaragua. English title: First documented report of buff-breasted fl ycatcher Empidonax fulvifrons in Nicargua.

The bird was sited in a pasture with scattered pines Pinus oocarpa adjacent to a pine-oak forest. It formed part of a Conferencias de FARC.

Pdf accessed 24 September A surgical procedure is indicated for selected cases. Isonymy structure of four Venezuelan states. The isonymy structure of four Venezuelan States-Falcón, Mérida, Nueva Esparta and Yaracuy-was studied dromedary case words the surnames of the Venezuelan register of electors updated in The surname distributions of counties were obtained and, for each county, estimates of consanguinity due to random isonymy and Fisher's alpha were calculated.

It was shown that for large sample sizes the inverse of Fisher's alpha is identical to the unbiased estimate of within-population random isonymy. A three-dimensional isometric surface plot was obtained for each State, based on the counties' random isonymy estimates.

The highest estimates of random consanguinity were found in the States of Nueva Esparta and Mérida, while the lowest were found in Yaracuy. Other microdifferentiation indicators from the same data gave similar results, and an interpretation was attempted, based on the particular economic and geographic characteristics of each State.

Four different genetic distances between all possible pairs of counties were calculated within States; geographic distance shows the highest correlations with random isonymy and Euclidean distance, with the exception of the State of Nueva Esparta, where there is no correlation between geographic distance and random isonymy.

It was possible to group counties in clusters, from dendrograms based on Euclidean distance. Isonymy clustering was also consistent with socioeconomic and geographic characteristics of the counties. Distribution and abundance of disease vectors are directly related to climatic conditions and environmental changes.

Remote sensing data have dromedary case words used for monitoring environmental conditions influencing spatial patterns of vector-borne diseases. We collected 11, adult Anopheles species, with the major abundance observed at El Oculto Samples were collected throughout the sampling period, with the highest peaks during the spring seasons. LST and mean temperature appear to be the most important variables determining the distribution patterns and major abundance of An. Effects of dignity therapy on terminally ill patients: a systematic review.

Analyzing the evidence of the effects of dignity therapy onterminally ill patients. A Systematic review of the literature conducted using the search strategy in dromedary case words databases. Inclusion criteria were primary studies, excluding literature reviews systematic or not and conceptual articles.

Ten articles were analyzed regarding method, results and evidence level. Dignity therapy improved the sense of meaning andpurpose, will to live, utility, quality of life, dignity and family appreciationin studies with a higher level of evidence.

The effects are not well established in relation to depression, anxiety, spirituality and physical symptoms. Studies with a moderate to high level of evidence have shown increased sense of dignity, will to live and sense of purpose. Further studies should be developed to increase knowledge about dignity therapy. Analisar as evidências sobre os efeitos da terapia da dignidade para pacientes em fase terminal de vida.

Dez artigos foram analisados quanto ao método, aos resultados e nível de evidência. Os estudos de nível de evidência de moderado a alto demonstraram aumento do senso de dignidade, vontade de viver e senso de propósito.

Mais estudos devem ser desenvolvidos para ampliar o conhecimento sobre a terapia da dignidade. Computerized nursing process in the Intensive Care Unit: ergonomics and usability. A quantitative, quasi-experimental, before-and-after study with a dromedary case words of 16 participants performed in an Intensive Care Unit. Data collection was performed through the application of five simulated dromedary case words cases and an evaluation instrument.

Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The organization, content dromedary case words technical criteria were considered "excellent", and the interface criteria were considered "very good", obtaining means of 4. The analyzed standards obtained means above 4. This technology supports nurses' clinical decision-making by providing complete and up-to-date content for Nursing practice in the Intensive Care Unit.

The Origins of the Words Uppercase & Lowercase

Pesquisa quantitativa, quase-experimental do tipo antes e depois, com uma amostra de 16 participantes, realizada em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Os padrões analisados obtiveram médias acima de 4,0, sendo considerados "muito bons. Cirrone, G. CATANA is the first and unique proton therapy facility in which the 62 MeV proton beams, accelerated by a Superconducting Cyclotron, are used for dromedary case words radio-therapeutic treatments of choroidal and iris melanomas.

Inside CATANA new absolute and relative dosimetric techniques have been developed in order to achieve the best results in terms of treatment precision and dose release accuracy. The follow-up results for 42 patients demonstrated the efficacy of high energy protons in the radiotherapeutic field and encouraged us in our activity in the battle against cancer.

Agreement Percentages and Content Validity Indices were used for the purpose of validation. Impact of neoadjuvant therapy in downstaging of lower rectal adenocarcinoma and the role of pelvic magnetic resonance in staging.

dromedary case words

In group 1, the accuracy of determining tumor depth T and lymph node involvement N was Evidenze scientifiche]. La terapia farmacologica nei pazienti con disturbo da uso di alcol riveste un ruolo centrale nel progetto terapeutico, altamente contestualizzato in un approccio multidisciplinare. Sebbene i trattamenti non farmacologici per la dipendenza da alcol risultino ben strutturati e in continua evoluzione, dal punto di vista medico le possibilità di intervento sono realmente ristrette, con poche molecole a disposizione approvate per il disturbo da uso di alcol: dromedary case words specifico, l'acamprostato, il naltrexone e, più recentemente, il nalmefene tra gli anticraving; il disulfiram tra gli avversivanti.

Nuovi approcci sperimentali stanno cercando di ampliare tale gamma attraverso l'utilizzo di farmaci off-label. Evidenze scientifiche devono supportare l'indicazione terapeutica, quest'ultima deve dimostrarsi "cucita" sulle esigenze del paziente e sulle comorbilità presenti tenendo conto del profilo bio-psico-sociale individuale.

Fondamentale risulta il follow-up per valutare la ritenzione in trattamento e il monitoraggio degli outcome alcologici.

Association between religiousness and blood donation among Brazilian postgraduate students from health-related areas. Dromedary case words aim of this study was to examine the association between religiousness and blood donation among postgraduate students.

'Everybody knows', but the rest of the world: the case of a caterpillar-borne reproductive loss syndrome in dromedary camels observed by. dromedarius A CASE REPORT camel had progressive right hock joint swelling and lameness Key words: Camel; carcinoma; dromedarius; squamous.

The Portuguese-language version of the Duke University Religion Index was administered to a sample of Brazilian students with ages ranging from 22 to 55 years. All study participants had completed undergraduate courses in health-related areas. In the present study, dromedary case words Organizational religiousness was found to be associated with attitudes related to blood donation. This study also shows evidence that regular blood donors have a higher intrinsic religiousness than subjects who donate only once and do not return.

This dromedary case words shows that the attitudes concerning blood donation may have some association with religiosity. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.

Al fine di comprendere meglio la psicopatologia del disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo DOCin anni recenti è stata prestata una crescente attenzione alla cosiddetta "paura di sé" fear of selfvale a dire la paura che le persone con DOC nutrono di ospitare dentro di sé aspetti inaccettabili. Tuttavia, l'esatta dinamica di questo fenomeno ancora non è chiara: di conseguenza, allo scopo di delucidarla meglio, sarà qui descritto uno specifico processo psicologico denominato Identificazione Retrospettiva delle Motivazioni e delle Inclinazioni IRMI.

Quando un paziente con DOC valuta in qualche modo come inaccettabile una propria esperienza interna pensieri, dromedary case words, immagini mentali, ecc. L'IRMI non solo aiuta a comprendere meglio il fenomeno della "paura di sé", ma possiede anche importanti implicazioni per la terapia. Slips, lapses and mistakes inthe use of equipment by nurses in an intensive care unit.

Toidentify the occurrence of errors in the use of equipment by nurses working in intensive careandanalyzing them in the framework of James Reason's theory of human error.

Qualitative field study dromedary case words the intensive care unit of a federal hospital in the city of Rio dromedary case words Janeiro. Observation and interviews were conductedwith eight nurses, from March to December Content analysis was used for the interviews, as well as the description of the scenes observed.

Nosotros no encontramos ninguna descripción anatómica de las arterias coronarias del rinoceronte blanco Ceratotherium simum. Por lo tanto aprovechamos la oportunidad de la disección de un corazón de rinoceronte para describir las arterias coronarias con el objetivo de aumentar el conocimiento anatómico existente en esta especie. El peso corporal del animal no pudo ser obtenido.

El tronco pulmonar tenía un calibre 5,5 cm y un espesor de pared de 0,8 cm. La arteria coronaria izquierda emitida en el seno izquierdo de la aorta se dividía en tres ramas trifurcaciónla rama interventricular paraconal, la rama circunfleja y la rama diagonal Fig 2. Cara auricular del corazón, distribución de la arteria coronaria izquierda. Rama circunfleja; RIP. Rama interventricular paraconal; RD.

Rama diagonal. Rama al ventrículo derecho de la rama interventricular paraconal. La arteria coronaria izquierda tenía un calibre de 1,7 cm y 4,0 cm de longitud Figs. La rama interventricular paraconal tenía el mismo calibre 1,7 cm dromedary case words una longitud de 34,0 cm.

Esta arteria emitía cranealmente hacia el corazón derecho diez ramas, la tercera de ellas luego de un trayecto de 3,5 cm se bifurcaba en dos ramas menores. Esta tercera rama era la rama del cono arterioso.

Las dos primeras ramas iban al tronco pulmonar. Las diez ramas tenían cada una de dorsal a ventral una longitud de 4,0 cm, 3,0 cm, 3,5 cm, 2,0 cm, 5,0 cm, 2,1 cm, 1,3 cm, 1,5 cm, 1,0 cm y 5,0 cm. Dromedary case words distancia de emisión entre el origen de la arteria coronaria izquierda y la primera rama derecha de la paraconal era de 2,0 cm y entre la primera y la segunda de 1,4 cm, la segunda y la tercera estaban separadas por 2.

El calibre de las ramas derechas era inferior al de las ramas izquierdas. Hacia caudal, hacia el ventrículo izquierdo, la rama interventricular paraconal emitió 7 arterias. Estas ramas tenían cada una de dorsal a ventral una longitud de 6,0 cm, 10,0 cm, 5,0 cm, 1,7 cm, 5,3 cm, 4,5 cm y 5,0 cm. El calibre respectivo de estas siete ramas era de 1,0 mm, 4,0 mm, 3 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 2 mm y 1 mm. La rama circunfleja Fig. En su trayecto emitía 10 arterias que se distribuían hacia el ventrículo izquierdo y al borde ventricular izquierdo.

La longitud de estas ramas dromedary case words respectivamente de 3,0 cm, 2,2 cm, 3,4 cm, 1,3 cm, 6,0 cm, 5,0 cm, 8,0 cm, 3,0 cm, 5,5 cm, 7,5 cm. El calibre de cada una era de 1,0 mm, 1,0 mm, 2,0 mm, 1,0 mm, 3,0 mm, 2 mm, 2 mm, 1,0 mm, 1,0 mm y 2,0 mm. Hacia dorsal la rama circunfleja emitió dos ramas mayores que se dirigían hacia el aatrio izquierdo, ambas tenían una longitud de 3,5 cm y un calibre de 1,0 mm. La tercera rama de la arteria coronaria izquierda o rama diagonal Fig.

Esta arteria se distribuía exclusivamente al ventrículo izquierdo. La arteria coronaria derecha Fig. La arteria coronaria derecha dio 4 finas ramas dorsales hacia el atrio derecho y ventralmente dio nacimiento a 9 ramas que se distribuían a las partes dorsales del ventrículo derecho. La longitud de estas ramas era respectivamente de 8,0 cm, 7,0 cm, 9,0 cm, 9,0 cm, 8,5 cm, 9 cm, 3,0 cm, 3,0 cm y 5,0 cm.

El septum interventricular estaba irrigado por varias ramas que procedían mayormente de las ramas interventriculares paraconal y subsinusal. En ninguna parte del corazón vimos anastomosis entre las ramas de las arterias coronarias.

dromedary case words

En este trabajo, que hasta donde sabemos es la primera descripción de las arterias coronarias en el rinoceronte blanco, se disecaron las ramas de ambas arterias coronarias dromedary case words se aportaron datos adicionales del calibre de las mismas, longitud y distancia entre la emisión de las ramas menores. Matoussi en su estudio del corazón de un rinoceronte negro registró datos de la longitud, calibre y distribución de los vasos sanguíneos principales. En nuestro estudio e igual que en el rinoceronte negro las dos arterias coronarias tenían el mismo calibre.

A diferencia del rinoceronte negro la arteria coronaria izquierda se dividía en tres ramas. La rama diagonal no se mencionó en dromedary case words rinoceronte negro Matoussi. La rama interventricular paraconal emitía siete ramas ventriculares izquierdas en nuestro corazón y seis en el rinoceronte negro.

Los animales domésticos pueden se divididos en dos grupos acorde al patrón de distribución de ambas arterias coronarias. En el grupo A, la rama interventricular subsinusal es una rama de la arteria coronaria izquierda.

En la jirafa predomina la arteria coronaria izquierda Pérez et al. En el grupo B, la rama interventricular subsinusal es rama de la arteria coronaria derecha. En Arctocephalus australis la rama interventricular subsinusal procede en la mayoría de los animales de la arteria coronaria derecha Pérez et al.

Debido a que ambas arterias coronarias son iguales en calibre y similares en distribución en el rinoceronte blanco nuestro estudio y en el rinoceronte negro Matoussiestos animales son del grupo B, con la rama interventricular subsinusal emitida por la arteria coronaria derecha. Barone, R. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques. Éditions Vigot, Paris, Les arteries du coeur chez les Ruminants domestiques. Zoo Anim. The coronary vessels in the Egyptian water buffalo Bod Bubalus hubalis L.

Sisson and Grossman's Anatomy of the Domestic Animals. Philadelphia, London, Toronto, W. Saunders Company,

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